List of actions¶
Meeting | Description | Responsible | Deadline | |
221 | MPP-251 |
Prepare specifications for the PM analysis module LHC | T. Levens, C. Hernalsteens, M. Gasior | |
220 | MPP-245 |
Document the interlock implementation in an ECR LHC | T. Levens | |
219 | MPP-245 |
Christoph will follow-up with Victor regarding the preparation of the checklists LHC | C. Wiesner | |
218 | MPP-244 |
BI will trigger the necessary actions with the BIS team after they deploy the latest firmware LHC | M. Gasior, BIS Team | |
217 | MPP-243 |
Verify with the FLUKA team if the TCL4-5 could be further open to benefit ARP LHC | F. Van der Veken | |
216 | MPP-242 |
Report to the MPP regarding the decision on the TSU renovation and the outcomeof the reliability analysis or the new interface between BIS and TSU LHC | N. Voumard, P. Van Trappen | |
215 | MPP-242 |
Report on the first experience with beam regarding the reduced sensitivity of the newly installed BLMs and propose the interlocking strategy for the 2024 run LHC | B. Salvachua | |
214 | MPP-240 |
CCR describing changes in LBDS remote validation feature LHC | C. Boucly, N. Magnin | |
213 | MPP-240 |
Update BCCM commissioning procedure LHC | C. Hernalsteens, M. Gasior | |
212 | MPP-240 |
ECR describing the changes in SPS SMP-BCT changes in YETS 23/24 LHC | R. Secondo, T. Levens | |
211 | MPP-239 COLLWG |
Compare expected 28 kW losses to the HiRadMat tests LHC | A. Lechner | |
210 | MPP-238 |
Validate all the collimator segments from 120cm to 60cm (and all the matchpoints in between) to ensure safe fast beta* levelling to 60cm LHC | R. Bruce | |
209 | MPP-237 |
Implement a way to limit the crossing angle change around the reference value LHC | M. Hostettler | |
208 | MPP-237 |
Share the outcome of the modifications and BIC validation with the MPP LHC | M. Milovanovic | |
207 | MPP-236 COLLWG |
Share a 3D model of the foil shape (V. Coco) and perform impedance simulations LHC | B. Salvant | |
206 | MPP-236 COLLWG |
Proposal for the post TS1 ramp-up and for the documentation of the VeLo-related checks LHC | C. Wiesner | |
205 | MPP-235 |
Prepare an ECR to document the changes LHC | T. Levens | |
203 | MPP-234 |
Determine the interlock level for the TCT BPMs for the 2023 configuration LHC | BE-OP, Collimation | |
201 | MPP-233 COLLWG |
Report to the MPP on the design of the new safety system LHC | TE-VSC | |
200 | MPP-233 COLLWG |
Determine limits on the loss rate that can be tolerated for local aperture measurement LHC | LHCb | |
199 | MPP-232 |
Validate collimator settings for B* levelling 2023 scenario LHC | M. Hostettler, Collimation | |
198 | MPP-232 |
Provide a proposal for checks on collimator interlock settings LHC | M. Hostettler | |
197 | MPP-232 |
Verify PM trigger of the BCCM system before making it operational LHC | M. Gasior, C. Wiesner | |
196 | MPP-232 |
MPS procedure for TOTEM (and similarly for CTPPS and ARP) LHC | M. Deile, C. Hernalsteens | |
195 | MPP-232 |
Provide a procedure to OP for FMCM triggering tests LHC | A. Antoine, J. Wenninger | |
194 | MPP-232 |
Decide if blindable BLMs should be commissioned in 2023 LHC | D. Wollmann, C. Bracco, B. Salvachua | |
193 | MPP-231 |
Draft ECR on the proposed DC-BCT and SMP changes for the SPS LHC | T. Levens, R. Secondo | |
192 | MPP-222 |
Check the aperture limits of the new BSRTM device are in accordance with Run3 parameters LHC | R. De Maria, D. Mirarchi | |
187 | MPP-223 |
Follow-up on the protection of settings for the SPS MKE phasing and discuss the potential impact of rolling back with LSA tags on other critical settings LHC | MPP, BE-OP | |
185 | MPP-224 COLLWG |
Install a BLM close to the BSRTMB in IR4 during the YETS LHC | B. Salvachua | |
183 | MPP-224 COLLWG |
Define and organize a test with beam to confirm that the beam is not affected in case of an abort of the wire power converter during the timeframe of the interlock reaction time of the WIC and BIS LHC | BE-OP, BE-ABP | |
182 | MPP-226 |
Follow-up on the RBAC protection of the settings of machine protection equipment LHC | MPP | |
180 | MPP-229 |
By the end of the year inputs for potential additional interlocks or hardware stops for the protections of components in the FRAS must be provided by the relevant teams and collected for the FRAS specifications LHC | F.-X. Nury | |
179 | MPP-229 |
Prepare detailed specifications for the interlocks, including the FRAS key in CCR and the newly discussed “FRAS powering interlock” to a maskable input of the CIBUs in IR1 and 5 LHC | FRAS, MPP | |
177 | MPP-220 |
Analyze the changes to be made in the test procedure and study the consequences LHC | L. Roy, MPP | |
176 | MPP-220 |
Provide the list of disabled BIS channels to the MPP and inform the MPP once the channels are enabled again LHC | C. Martin | |
175 | MPP-220 |
Implement the publication through FESA of the additional signals (threshold values and measured value) and update the EDMS document LHC | M. Di Castro | |
174 | MPP-208 |
Draft a procedure for the tracking of the bypassed equipment PBS | J. Uythoven | |
173 | MPP-208 |
Organize a meeting between OP and the MPE SW team to define the specifications for an improved GUI PBS | B. Mikulec | |
172 | MPP-218 |
Review the inconsistency that the WIC will not interlock the beam in case of a power converter failure, but still interlock the beam in case of a magnet failure PBS | G.P. Di Giovanni, MPP, D. Nisbet | |
170 | MPP-211 |
Implement the proposed operational limits for the ADT excitation LHC | D. Valuch | |
167 | MPP-211 |
Propose a proper timeline for a possible replacement scenario LHC | F. Sanders | |
166 | MPP-213 |
Study necessity and feasibility of special interlock configuration for LINAC4 3 MeV runs Linac4 | P. Skowronski | |
165 | MPP-213 |
Initiate study of alternative interlock configuration and failure diagnostics for Linac4 and possibly other injectors Linac4 | P. Skowronski | |
163 | MPP-213 |
Update BIS specification (page 2) clarifying present and future situation wrt RF actuator Linac4PSB | C. Martin | |
161 | MPP-214 |
Update the BLM machine protection commissioning procedure with tests to ensure that the “beam info” bypass devices are removed prior to operation LHC | B. Salvachua, C. Zamantzas | |
154 | MPP-217 |
Update SMP procedure and add that the BPF checks after each injection are done implicitly by the BIS LHC | R. Secondo | |
153 | MPP-217 |
Include BPF tests in the SMP IPOC procedure LHC | R. Secondo | |
149 | MPP-209 |
Discuss the handling of the redundant energy and beta* limits and propose possible improvements LHC | Collimation, BE-OP | |
145 | MPP-207 |
Decide if a filter on the signal of the BLMs behind the dumps is needed to avoid saturation LHC | C. Wiesner, A. Lechner, Y. Dutheil | |
144 | MPP-207 |
Evaluate feasibility of porting UFO Buster data acquisition from SDDS files to Post Mortem LHC | A. Lechner, J.C. Garnier, C. Zamantzas | |
142 | MPP-207 |
Evaluate feasibility of implementing interlock based on the correct transfer line optics ID generated by SIS LHC | J. Wenninger | |
141 | MPP-207 |
Check if the Beta* and energy gap interlock functionality is implemented in the TCDIs LHC | Y. Dutheil | |
140 | MPP-207 |
Check if energy extraction switches opening signal sent from SIS is correctly received by the CIRCUIT SCADA LHC | J. Wenninger, A. Antoine | |
139 | MPP-206 |
Add commissioning of blindable BLMs to the injection procedure LHC | Y. Dutheil | |
132 | MPP-198 |
LHCb velo motion system: Implement signal from limit switches to the VSS LHC | X. Pons | 2021-03-31 |
131 | MPP-198 |
LHCb velo motion system: Prepare a detailed procedure for manual movement and perform the procedure in full when the detector is installed with active control system to monitor the movement and avoid damage to the limit switches LHC | V. Coco, F. Sanders | 2021-03-31 |
130 | MPP-198 |
LHCb velo motion system: Evaluate if a warning could be produced if the VELO alignment algorithm attempts to move one side beyond the 0 mm point LHC | V. Coco | 2021-03-31 |
129 | MPP-198 |
LHCb velo motion system: Prepare a specifications document for the motion control, failures and interlocks LHC | X. Pons | 2021-03-31 |
128 | MPP-179 |
Evaluate how the masking of watchdog interlocks in the SIS can be only allowed for short pulse lengths Linac4 | B. Mikulec | 2021-04-30 |
121 | MPP-201 |
Implement additional software threshold for maximum losses during the slow extraction SPS | M. Fraser, V. Kain | |
118 | MPP-201 |
Prepare and organize review of the SPS slow extraction system SPS | MPP, TE-ABT, BE-OP | |
117 | MPP-200 |
Propose how to protect the CTRB interface of the BLMs to the timing system against accidental changes and overwriting via FESA, in collaboration with the timing team Linac4PSBPS | J. Uythoven, S. Jackson | |
115 | MPP-197 |
Organize a discussion on the BIS GUI for the injectors PSB | J. Uythoven | |
113 | MPP-197 |
Verify how the connection has been done between POPS-B and BIS and describe the user input to BIS PSB | F. Boattini | |
112 | MPP-196 |
Verify the maximum allowed XRP temperature with TE-VSC, taking into account outgassing and the temperature of the ferrites LHC | M. Trzebinski | |
111 | MPP-195 COLLWG |
Study the option of using the space in UJ76 during Run III LHC | M. Gasior, T. Levens | |
110 | MPP-195 COLLWG |
Determine a strategy for P8 LHC | Collimation, R. Bruce | |
109 | MPP-195 COLLWG |
Circulate a list of expected redundancies for run III LHC | Collimation, R. Bruce | |
108 | MPP-195 COLLWG |
Check orbit at the crystal during injection failure LHC | Collimation | |
107 | MPP-195 COLLWG |
Produce detailed operational scenarios and required validation for the use of the crystals LHC | Collimation | |
106 | MPP-195 COLLWG |
Produce commissioning procedure for the crystals LHC | Collimation | |
104 | MPP-193 |
Evaluate the potential gain and feasibility of evaluating the beam orbit at the collimator BPMs before starting the ramp-up of the BBLR wire current and issuing a warning if required LHC | G. Sterbini, S. Radaelli, J. Wenninger | |
97 | MPP-193 |
Reassess the temperature load on the BPMs in both TCSP jaws in case of an asynchronous beam dump considering the worst-case (type 2) erratic LHC | F. Carra, A. Lechner | 2021-06-30 |
96 | MPP-193 |
Update expected energy deposition based on the newest FLUKA studies for the case of an asynchronous beam dump and an injection error for the relevant collimator materials LHC | F. Carra, A. Lechner | 2021-06-30 |
94 | MPP-186 |
Evaluate if automatic checks of the internal performance of the SPS BIS systems are required SPS | J. Uythoven | |
89 | MPP-186 |
Update specifications for the SPS and TT10 WIC with the modified MDSH connections SPS | R. Mompo | 2021-06-01 |
85 | MPP-189 |
Study how to implement an online optics model and related configuration management depending on the optics Linac4 | B. Mikulec, R. Scrivens | |
84 | MPP-184 |
Propose RBAC roles for Machine Critical Settings at LINAC4/PSB for implementation as soon as reasonable Linac4PSB | B. Mikulec | |
83 | MPP-182 |
Define procedure under which circumstances and how to change the high-loss LINAC4 watchdog limits, including roll back to standard operation Linac4 | A. Lombardi | 2021-04-30 |
80 | MPP-182 |
Investigate and if possible implement the link between BIS and External Conditions. Otherwise, implement link via SIS Linac4PSB | B. Mikulec, G. Kruk | |
74 | MPP-179 |
Identify relevant locations and beam parameters for energy-deposition studies at LINAC4 Linac4 | B. Mikulec, A. Lechner, A. Lombardi | 2021-04-30 |
73 | MPP-179 |
Propose values for BLM hardware settings PSB | B. Mikulec | 2021-04-30 |
72 | MPP-179 |
Evaluate if there are additional aperture bottlenecks, where damage might lead to longer downtime than required for a bellow replacement Linac4 | A. Lombardi | 2021-04-30 |
71 | MPP-179 |
Evaluate best implementation to send automatic reminders of all active SIS masks for every shift PSB | B. Mikulec | 2021-04-30 |
64 | MPP-192 |
Report on the first operational experience of the SPS BLM system after LS2 LHC | SY-ABT, BE-OP | 2021-11-30 |
63 | MPP-191 |
IQC application and future development: Add an update of the IQC settings for abort gap keeper settings changes LHC | SY-ABT, BE-OP | |
62 | MPP-191 |
IQC application and future development: Discuss the use cases and give inputs for the FESA/firmware preparation for the new dBLM readout electronics LHC | J. Wenninger, E. Calvo | |
61 | MPP-191 |
iBPMs layout in Run3: Propose criteria for iBPM validation before switching to the new system (performance / specifications / reliability criteria) LHC | A. Boccardi | |
60 | MPP-191 |
iBPMs layout in Run3: Discussion on iBPM firmware and possible failure cases LHC | A. Boccardi | |
59 | MPP-191 |
AC-dipole operation with three bunches: Check the interlocking with triplet BLM for 1 pilot and for 3 pilots LHC | OMC, R. Tomas, Collimation | |
56 | MPP-187 |
Study the effect of the modified MKB waveforms on the flashover failure scenario LHC | Y. Dutheil, A. Lechner, TE-ABT, EN-STI | 2021-06-30 |
55 | MPP-187 |
Based on first operational experience after LS2, review the steering procedure and evaluate the possibility of steering with full trains LHC | C. Bracco, TE-ABT | 2022-04-30 |
54 | MPP-187 |
Investigate the implementation of a SIS based interlock of the integrated intensity of consecutive bunches. Define the maximum number of bunches that have to be taken into account for averaging the bunch intensity LHC | J. Wenninger, BE-OP, MPP | 2021-08-31 |
53 | MPP-185 |
Analyse if a limit in the number of consecutive dumps or a minimum time between the dumps is required for Run3 operation LHC | M. Calviani, C. Bracco, EN-STI, TE-ABT | 2022-07-31 |
34 | MPP-169 |
Test steps of the emergency dump procedure related to the LBDS after TS2 LHC | M. Solfaroli, N. Magnin | 2021-11-30 |
33 | MPP-169 |
Request functionality to open up excitation window of ADT and prepare OP sequence for scraping the full LHC beam LHC | D. Valuch, MPP | |
22 | MPP-151 |
Summarize planned changes in the BLMs around the TDEs in an ECR LHC | SY-ABT, SY-BI | 2021-08-31 |
20 | Investigate whether it is needed to implement a smoother change of the tolerance during squeeze instead of going from 4 to 1 sigmas at the end LHC | BE-OP-LHC, Collimation | ||
19 | MPP-149 |
Review other failure cases for RD1 and estimate the associated FMCM signals LHC | TE-MPE-PE | |
18 | MPP-146 |
Study the feasibility of a variable window for PC interlocking LHC | TE-EPC | |
16 | MPP-143 |
BLM inhibit in case of too high transverse losses with injection: propose commissioning test to verify functionality LHC | BE-BI, SY-ABT | 2021-04-15 |
13 | MPP-137 |
Organise a circulating checklist with points to be followed up between the CC team and MPP; iterate during a coffee discussion early January LHC | CC team, MPP | |
9 | MPP-124 |
Confirm number of extra bunches the IP7 collimators can take during a type 2 erratic and if this causes a problem LHC | R. Bruce | |
1 | MPP-92 |
Review protection limit of inner triplet (80K) with realistic impact distributions LHC | A. Lechner, MPP |