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188th Machine Protection Panel Meeting (Injectors): Special meeting on Linac4 RFQ protection





Topics and contributions


Description Responsible Deadline
124 Clarify if the central values of LEBT settings should be stored as LSA virtual parameter to allow them to be read out by the foreseen sequencer task, taking into account the experience of similar applications in the injectors Linac4 B. Mikulec, R. Scrivens
123 Review the specifications for the Linac4 sequencer task for switching to the low-intensity mode (EDMS L4-C-PRD-0001) in order to ensure coherence with the new “Logic for SIS Software Verification of LEBT Parameters” (EDMS L4-CIB-ES-0007) Linac4 B. Mikulec, R. Scrivens
122 Evaluate RF interlocking and recovery procedure based on the experience from the Linac4 commissioning and early operation and report the results to the MPP Linac4 R. Wegner
