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207th Machine Protection Panel Meeting (LHC)





Topics and contributions


Description Responsible Deadline
145 Decide if a filter on the signal of the BLMs behind the dumps is needed to avoid saturation LHC C. Wiesner, A. Lechner, Y. Dutheil
144 Evaluate feasibility of porting UFO Buster data acquisition from SDDS files to Post Mortem LHC A. Lechner, J.C. Garnier, C. Zamantzas
143 Add TDE N2 pressure interlock gauges to SIS following LS2 updates LHC J. Wenninger
142 Evaluate feasibility of implementing interlock based on the correct transfer line optics ID generated by SIS LHC J. Wenninger
141 Check if the Beta* and energy gap interlock functionality is implemented in the TCDIs LHC Y. Dutheil
140 Check if energy extraction switches opening signal sent from SIS is correctly received by the CIRCUIT SCADA LHC J. Wenninger, A. Antoine
