Restricted Machine Protection Panel (rMPP)¶
Mandate for the LHC¶
For the LHC, timely Machine Protection related decisions are required, in particular during the intensity ramp-up (in order to proceed to the next intensity step), as well as for other issues and questions related to Machine Protection during stable physics operation. The rMPP also plays an important role in approving the Machine Development (MD) program, in particular those requests requiring operation outside the nominal operational envelope. Members of all systems relevant for MP (Interlocks, LBDS, Collimation, Magnet Protection, Beam Instrumentation and RF), physics coordinators and operation are represented. The rMPP reports to the LMC for topics related to the LHC. The rMPP will not discuss topics that are/can be treated by the Machine Protection Panel (MPP).
Evaluate the state and readiness of the LHC MPS in view of intensity increases.
Define boundary conditions for intensity increases (no. of bunches, total intensity, injected intensity, bunch pattern, beta*...). Documentation of all decisions in EDMS. Final approval of intensity ramp-up proposals will be endorsed by the LMC.
Define boundary conditions for MDs and special (physics) runs related to machine protection. Approve those MD EDMS documents with implications for MP.
Anticipate possible bottlenecks that would prevent future intensity increases and initiate appropriate actions (via the MPP or other appropriate bodies).
Discuss issues that arise during operation related to MP and require timely reaction.
When required, assist operation and machine coordinators for questions related to MP.
Members of the rMPP for the LHC are listed in the e-group lhc-mp-restricted, with an additional e-group for alternate members (lhc-mp-restricted-alternate).
Mandate for the injector complex¶
With the LIU upgrade of the injector complex during LS2 and the resulting larger beam damage potential in the injectors, the need for detailed procedures and timely decisions related to MP was also identified for the injectors. The rMPP will not discuss matters that can be treated by the MPP. The members consist of one expert per machine in the injector chain complemented by Machine Protection experts with a large experience across the accelerator chain. The rMPP reports to the IEFC for topics related to the injectors.
Evaluate the state of the injector chain MPS and define boundary conditions where needed. Documentation of all decisions in EDMS.
Define boundary conditions for MDs and special (physics) runs related to machine protection where required. Approve those MD EDMS documents with implications for MP.
Anticipate possible bottlenecks that would prevent future operation and initiate appropriate actions (via the MPP or other appropriate bodies).
Discuss issues that arise during operation related to MP and require timely reaction.
When required, assist operation and machine coordinators for questions related to MP.
Members of the rMPP for injectors are listed in the e-group inj-mp-restricted.