Future topics¶
Deadline | Category | Title |
2024-06-30 | Normal | TCDQ: Update of movement system, movement controls and interlocking electronics during LS3 (N. Magnin) |
2024-02-15 | Normal | Limitations in kick strength of SBDS h-kickers and impact on beam dump and margins (F. Velotti) |
2023-12-15 | None | TCDQ interlocking on energy and beta* for HL-LHC: requirements and implementation options |
2023-03-15 | None | MPS Commissioning Checklists (C. Hernalsteens) |
2023-03-15 | None | Experience with beta* levelling and interlocking (M. Hostettler) |
2023-03-15 | None | VELO vacuum incident and RF foil deformation (V. Coco) |
2023-03-15 | None | Linac4 MD on high current operation (J.-B. Lallement) |
2023-03-01 | None | BCCM strategy for 2023 |
2023-03-01 | None | Usage of beta* and energy limits for collimation LHC |
2023-03-01 | None | BLM thresholds in IR3 |
202-03-01 | None | Review of 2023 strategy for loss maps, asynch. dumps, and intensity ramp-up |
2023-03-01 | None | Review of strategy for machine validation in presence of non-linearities |
2022-12-31 | LT | SPS-SMP: proposal for improving reliability of signal transmissing (R. Secondo) |
2021-12-31 | LT | SPS: slow extraction interlocking. Transfer of MOPOAS to new ALPS sytem (MPP workshop) |
2021-12-31 | LT | PS dump interlocking: Run 3 and beyond (M. Butcher, M. Di Castro) |
2021-12-31 | Normal | SPS off-momentum collimation |
2021-12-31 | Lumi | Automatic reminders for masked BIS channels and automatic time outs: strategy apllicable to several machines (logbook, alarms) (BE-OP-SPS) |
2021-12-31 | Lumi | PS Booster: Define PPM threshold management and management of masks for various systems (B. Mikulec) |
2021-12-12 | Normal | Optimise the abort-gap cleaning strength during ion operation to limit the amplitude of the observed loss spikes |
2021-08-31 | Normal | SPS MKQ kicker (V. Kain) |
2021-08-27 | Normal | BLM thresholds - after LS2: flattening out of BLM thresholds in long running sums for all energy levels above 450 GeV (A. Lechner) |
2021-08-27 | LT | BLM thresholds: Update threshold models for Molybdenum-Graphite collimators (A. Lechner) |
2021-08-27 | Lumi | BLM thresholds: Ensure coherence between BLM thresholds and Exp. BCM thresholds (A. Lechner) |
2021-08-09 | Normal | Issue with Setup Beam Flag due to negative reading from BCT |
2021-07-01 | LS2 | New interlock on SPS timing system (watchdog replacement) for beam dump, BLM and main power supplies (G. Kruk) |
2021-06-30 | Normal | SPS BLMs: how present BLMs are used in the SPS / threshold changes and possible damage if BLM interlock does not work (BE-OP) (K. Li) |
2021-06-25 | Lumi | BLM thresholds: Analyse and define max. allowed losses in IR3 in case of lowered RF voltage at injection (A. Lechner, A. Mereghetti, B. Salvachua) |
2021-06-01 | Lumi | Linac4 BLM limits (BE-OP Linac4) |
2021-04-30 | LS2 | Evaluate interlocks and SIS checks in case of use of dedicated beam processes for TL collimator jaw positions, TL and SPS optics to allow frequent switching (TE-ABT, BE-OP) |
2021-04-30 | LS2 | ADT: Define minimum revalidation requirement for changes in ADT (→ mainly for MDs) and account for this in (MD) planning (D. Valuch) |
2021-04-30 | LS2 | ADT: Define responsibilities for protection unlocking (D. Valuch) |
2021-02-28 | LS2 | PIC interface cyro and BIS for 60A circuits (A. Antoine) |
2021-01-15 | Lumi | BLMs: Define required revalidation in case of a tunnel deployment of the new processing modules during run3 (C. Zamantzas) |
2021-01-15 | Lumi | BLM thresholds: Evaluate if the operational use of LICs in IR7 will allow to remove bottle neck in short running sums due to the 23 Gy/s limit of the BLMs? (A. Lechner, A. Mereghetti, B. Salvachua) |
2020-12-31 | Normal | Intensity based interlocking of SPS extractions (AWAKE vs FT & LHC,...) (V. Kain) |
2020-12-31 | LS2 | SPS Quality Check and SBDS check (V. Kain, E. Carlier) |
2020-12-31 | LT | Update of software of operational equipment (B. Todd) |
2020-12-18 | None | TDIS: new interlock of cooling water flowmeter: - criticality of missing water flow and foreseen implementation (M. Di Castro, D. Carbajo Perez) |
2020-11-30 | Lumi | Evaluate the need to implement threshold ramp functions of position and angle for crystal collimators (Collimation, M. Di Castro) |
2020-11-13 | Normal | MKB re-triggering: final implementation (N. Magnin) |
2020-09-30 | None | AOB: Interlocking of cooling water flow in new TDIS |
2020-09-17 | Normal | Test the of redundant UPS powering of machine protection equipment (A. Antoine) |
None | Normal | LHC aperture measurements required at injection energy |
None | None | BIM detector interlocking (L. Salvatore Esposito) |
None | Lumi | BIS: Evaluate need of regular exercising of all BIS inputs (J. Uythoven) |
None | LT | BIS: Implement HW linking of beam permit loops for BISv2 (J. Uythoven) |
None | Normal | Safe software development for operational systems, including testing in general purpose network, use of MPE interlock test bed etc. (L. Sero, M. Zerlauth, J.C. Garnier, K. Fuchsberger) |
None | LS2 | Define minimal acceptable phase advance values MKD-TCT & MKD-TCDQ (C. Bracco, R. Bruce) |
None | LS2 | Define strategy for TCDQ/TCT/XRP position thresholds and redundant limits (BETS, beat* & energy limits) and movements during collide and squeeze with beta* levelling (Collimation, BE-OP) |
None | LS2 | QPS: Identify most critical IPQs and QXF for implementation of DiDt sensor for improved symmetric quench protection (MP3, TE-MPE) |
None | LS2 | Study feasibility of using online tool for regular check lists (MPP, C. Wiesner) |
None | None | Open actions for LINAC4 (settings management, automatic reminders of SIS masks, watchdogs...) (B. Mikulec) |
None | None | New architecture for the SPS injection BIS and impact of SPS beam dump upgrade on BIS and WIC (I. Romera) |
None | None | New SMP flag for allowed beam intensity off SPS-TED: implementation, testing and commissioning requirements (BIS team) |
None | Normal | Interlock TIDVG (M. Di Castro) |
None | Normal | Acceptable phase advance values MKD-TCT & MKD-TCDQ for Run3 optics scenarios and special MD optics (Y. Dutheil, N. Fuster) |
None | Normal | Interlocked BPMs in IR6 - status of new development and proposed implementation of a prototype for the re-start after LS2 (M. Wendt) |
None | Normal | LMC action: Review operability of all moveable devices in the LHC (MPP) |
None | Normal | New design of interlocked BPMs in IR6 (M. Wendt) |
None | Normal | Exercising of all BIS inputs via AccTesting at re-commissioning after YETS (C. Martin) |
None | LT | Specify required HiRadMat material tests with LIU beams, e.g. for dump-line elements (F. Carra, A. Perillo) |
None | Normal | True redundancy of BIS power supplies (problem with primary side faults) (BIS team) |
None | Normal | Update of operational procedure in case of non working dump (M. Solfaroli) |
None | Normal | MP relevant External conditions and possible implementation in BIS? (J.C. Bau) |
None | Lumi | Evaluate the need for a bunch intensity interlock (BE-OP, MPP, TE-ABT) |
None | Lumi | dBLM: Define, which dBLM data are required in the post mortem & implement (MPP, SY-BI) |
None | Lumi | TDE interventions during LS2 and impact on interlocks (SY-STI) |
None | Lumi | New 600 A PC: Test impact of failure in one redundant 400 A module on QPS (TE-MPE, TE-EPC) |
None | Lumi | ADT: propose fixed display for ADT parameters to make ADT operation more transparent (BE-OP, D. Valuch) |
None | Lumi | Specify (ECR/SCR) and implement revised automatic temperature interlock disabling in collimators (Collimation, M. Di Castro) |
None | Lumi | SIS, external condition, timing (G. Kruk, J. Uythoven) |
None | LT | BLM thresholds: What do we need to learn during run 3 in preparation for HL-LHC? (A. Lechner) |
None | LT | dBLM: Prepare clear specification of use cases (BE-OP, TE-ABT, BLMTWG, TE-MPE, BE-BI) |