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Future topics

Deadline Category Title
2024-06-30 Normal TCDQ: Update of movement system, movement controls and interlocking electronics during LS3
(N. Magnin)
2024-02-15 Normal Limitations in kick strength of SBDS h-kickers and impact on beam dump and margins
(F. Velotti)
2023-12-15 None TCDQ interlocking on energy and beta* for HL-LHC: requirements and implementation options
2023-03-15 None MPS Commissioning Checklists
(C. Hernalsteens)
2023-03-15 None Experience with beta* levelling and interlocking
(M. Hostettler)
2023-03-15 None VELO vacuum incident and RF foil deformation
(V. Coco)
2023-03-15 None Linac4 MD on high current operation
(J.-B. Lallement)
2023-03-01 None BCCM strategy for 2023
2023-03-01 None Usage of beta* and energy limits for collimation LHC
2023-03-01 None BLM thresholds in IR3
202-03-01 None Review of 2023 strategy for loss maps, asynch. dumps, and intensity ramp-up
2023-03-01 None Review of strategy for machine validation in presence of non-linearities
2022-12-31 LT SPS-SMP: proposal for improving reliability of signal transmissing
(R. Secondo)
2021-12-31 LT SPS: slow extraction interlocking. Transfer of MOPOAS to new ALPS sytem (MPP workshop)
2021-12-31 LT PS dump interlocking: Run 3 and beyond
(M. Butcher, M. Di Castro)
2021-12-31 Normal SPS off-momentum collimation
2021-12-31 Lumi Automatic reminders for masked BIS channels and automatic time outs: strategy apllicable to several machines (logbook, alarms)
2021-12-31 Lumi PS Booster: Define PPM threshold management and management of masks for various systems
(B. Mikulec)
2021-12-12 Normal Optimise the abort-gap cleaning strength during ion operation to limit the amplitude of the observed loss spikes
2021-08-31 Normal SPS MKQ kicker
(V. Kain)
2021-08-27 Normal BLM thresholds - after LS2: flattening out of BLM thresholds in long running sums for all energy levels above 450 GeV
(A. Lechner)
2021-08-27 LT BLM thresholds: Update threshold models for Molybdenum-Graphite collimators
(A. Lechner)
2021-08-27 Lumi BLM thresholds: Ensure coherence between BLM thresholds and Exp. BCM thresholds
(A. Lechner)
2021-08-09 Normal Issue with Setup Beam Flag due to negative reading from BCT
2021-07-01 LS2 New interlock on SPS timing system (watchdog replacement) for beam dump, BLM and main power supplies
(G. Kruk)
2021-06-30 Normal SPS BLMs: how present BLMs are used in the SPS / threshold changes and possible damage if BLM interlock does not work (BE-OP)
(K. Li)
2021-06-25 Lumi BLM thresholds: Analyse and define max. allowed losses in IR3 in case of lowered RF voltage at injection
(A. Lechner, A. Mereghetti, B. Salvachua)
2021-06-01 Lumi Linac4 BLM limits
(BE-OP Linac4)
2021-04-30 LS2 Evaluate interlocks and SIS checks in case of use of dedicated beam processes for TL collimator jaw positions, TL and SPS optics to allow frequent switching
2021-04-30 LS2 ADT: Define minimum revalidation requirement for changes in ADT (→ mainly for MDs) and account for this in (MD) planning
(D. Valuch)
2021-04-30 LS2 ADT: Define responsibilities for protection unlocking
(D. Valuch)
2021-02-28 LS2 PIC interface cyro and BIS for 60A circuits
(A. Antoine)
2021-01-15 Lumi BLMs: Define required revalidation in case of a tunnel deployment of the new processing modules during run3
(C. Zamantzas)
2021-01-15 Lumi BLM thresholds: Evaluate if the operational use of LICs in IR7 will allow to remove bottle neck in short running sums due to the 23 Gy/s limit of the BLMs?
(A. Lechner, A. Mereghetti, B. Salvachua)
2020-12-31 Normal Intensity based interlocking of SPS extractions (AWAKE vs FT & LHC,...)
(V. Kain)
2020-12-31 LS2 SPS Quality Check and SBDS check
(V. Kain, E. Carlier)
2020-12-31 LT Update of software of operational equipment
(B. Todd)
2020-12-18 None TDIS: new interlock of cooling water flowmeter: - criticality of missing water flow and foreseen implementation
(M. Di Castro, D. Carbajo Perez)
2020-11-30 Lumi Evaluate the need to implement threshold ramp functions of position and angle for crystal collimators
(Collimation, M. Di Castro)
2020-11-13 Normal MKB re-triggering: final implementation
(N. Magnin)
2020-09-30 None AOB: Interlocking of cooling water flow in new TDIS
2020-09-17 Normal Test the of redundant UPS powering of machine protection equipment
(A. Antoine)
None Normal LHC aperture measurements required at injection energy
None None BIM detector interlocking
(L. Salvatore Esposito)
None Lumi BIS: Evaluate need of regular exercising of all BIS inputs
(J. Uythoven)
None LT BIS: Implement HW linking of beam permit loops for BISv2
(J. Uythoven)
None Normal Safe software development for operational systems, including testing in general purpose network, use of MPE interlock test bed etc.
(L. Sero, M. Zerlauth, J.C. Garnier, K. Fuchsberger)
None LS2 Define minimal acceptable phase advance values MKD-TCT & MKD-TCDQ
(C. Bracco, R. Bruce)
None LS2 Define strategy for TCDQ/TCT/XRP position thresholds and redundant limits (BETS, beat* & energy limits) and movements during collide and squeeze with beta* levelling
(Collimation, BE-OP)
None LS2 QPS: Identify most critical IPQs and QXF for implementation of DiDt sensor for improved symmetric quench protection
None LS2 Study feasibility of using online tool for regular check lists
(MPP, C. Wiesner)
None None Open actions for LINAC4 (settings management, automatic reminders of SIS masks, watchdogs...)
(B. Mikulec)
None None New architecture for the SPS injection BIS and impact of SPS beam dump upgrade on BIS and WIC
(I. Romera)
None None New SMP flag for allowed beam intensity off SPS-TED: implementation, testing and commissioning requirements
(BIS team)
None Normal Interlock TIDVG
(M. Di Castro)
None Normal Acceptable phase advance values MKD-TCT & MKD-TCDQ for Run3 optics scenarios and special MD optics
(Y. Dutheil, N. Fuster)
None Normal Interlocked BPMs in IR6 - status of new development and proposed implementation of a prototype for the re-start after LS2
(M. Wendt)
None Normal LMC action: Review operability of all moveable devices in the LHC
None Normal New design of interlocked BPMs in IR6
(M. Wendt)
None Normal Exercising of all BIS inputs via AccTesting at re-commissioning after YETS
(C. Martin)
None LT Specify required HiRadMat material tests with LIU beams, e.g. for dump-line elements
(F. Carra, A. Perillo)
None Normal True redundancy of BIS power supplies (problem with primary side faults)
(BIS team)
None Normal Update of operational procedure in case of non working dump
(M. Solfaroli)
None Normal MP relevant External conditions and possible implementation in BIS?
(J.C. Bau)
None Lumi Evaluate the need for a bunch intensity interlock
None Lumi dBLM: Define, which dBLM data are required in the post mortem & implement
None Lumi TDE interventions during LS2 and impact on interlocks
None Lumi New 600 A PC: Test impact of failure in one redundant 400 A module on QPS
None Lumi ADT: propose fixed display for ADT parameters to make ADT operation more transparent
(BE-OP, D. Valuch)
None Lumi Specify (ECR/SCR) and implement revised automatic temperature interlock disabling in collimators
(Collimation, M. Di Castro)
None Lumi SIS, external condition, timing
(G. Kruk, J. Uythoven)
None LT BLM thresholds: What do we need to learn during run 3 in preparation for HL-LHC?
(A. Lechner)
None LT dBLM: Prepare clear specification of use cases