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Machine Protection Panel

Meetings Actions Topics

MPP mandate

The machine protection systems protects accelerator and experimental equipment of the LHC and its injector complex against uncontrolled release of energy stored in the magnet system and the particle beams while at the same time allowing for efficient operation.

The Machine Protection Panel (MPP) shall, in conjunction with relevant working groups (MP3, BLMTWG, COLLWG, LIBD, ...) and experts of the equipment and operation teams:

Ensure the coherent integration of all relevant sub-systems into the machine protection systems of CERNs existing accelerator complex and its future upgrades.

Approve all essential elements included in the machine interlock chain and address questions related to the dependability of the machine protection system.

Verify the proper commissioning of all MPS sub-systems and propose in collaboration with rMPP the safe operational envelope of the machine based on the state of commissioning.

Define procedures for the operation of the machine interlock systems and required diagnostic tools.

Identify, assess and document relevant failure scenarios of equipment systems and machine components and propose according mitigation measures (Major Event Reports).

Specify functional requirements for additional protection systems to be developed, constructed and tested.

The panel shall report to:

  • LMC - for all matters related to the LHC,
  • IEFC - for all matters related to the injector complex,
  • HL-LHC - for matters related to the high luminosity upgrade of LHC,
  • FCC - for matters related to the new accelerators of the FCC programme.

There is one mailing list including all MPP members (lhc-mp-panel-members), however meetings tend to focus on either LHC or injector related topics.